Thursday, 13 December 2012

Winter Wonderland!!

Once again Miss E O'Sullivan had the great idea of helping the less well-off this Christmas by organising her second 'Winter Wonderland'.

Just like a Christmas Market from the heart of Europe!! 

Show me the Money!!

Spare a few coppers for the poor.......

The Gym was alive with different stalls selling cakes, buns, flowers, Hot Chocolate and Christmas Logs! 

Jedward was all the rage at the hot chocolate stall!!

We had plenty of Music and song.......

 Everyone got involved and helped to raise much needed funds for worthy causes. 

Mr Hill getting ready for action!!

 An Oscar winning performance!!

The Bond Girls!!

The name's Hill .....   Benny Hill !!

Ach...wee Loughlin!

As usual Hannah was pure magic!

Well Done to all for making a fool of yourselves for charity!!

Friday, 7 December 2012

More photos from Iceland !!

 The group....

Miss that a hot bottle you're holding?

Setting is absolutely amazing!

Jumping for joy in Iceland??

Icelandic Adventure!!!

Senior students got a great educational treat recently when they were brought on an exotic Geography Trip to Iceland, no less!!!

Miss Ni Donabhain, Mr Jim Walsh, Miss Tynan and Mr Fennelly braved the cold and the elements to show the students some of the world's most amazing natural features.

By the look of it they all had a great time...

Mr Fennelly said he thought he knew what cold was until he stepped outside in Iceland!!
Mr Walsh is at home in these surroundings!

It certainly was an unforgettable experience for all involved!! 

Well Done to all!

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Wednesday with Ron!

TY photography got a welcome surprise when Ron offered to bring us on a nature walk today...

the weather was perfect with diffused light slanting through the trees.

A few shots taken on the spur of the moment : was frosty!! 

or 'fresh' as they say....

Mr Conway kindly lent us his fancy quilted jacket!! Thanks!

As it happened we got some good shots ........

but really this entry is for Ron ............


whose love of nature and all sentient beings make him a great inspiration to us all. 

You are a one-off Ron!! 
Keep up the good work!

Where's the telephoto lens when you need it?

One of Ron's 'canopies'....

That time of year thou mayst in me behold,
When yellow leaves or none or few
Do hang upon those boughs that shake against the cold,
Bare ruined choirs where late the sweet birds sang.....
Thanks again Ron!

Friday, 9 November 2012

OOH-La La !!!

The French Dept organised a very enjoyable dramatic afternoon recently....

They invited a group of strolling players from France to perform for the Transition Year girls....

....I believe it was very educational and entertaining....

..and I'm told the actors weren't bad either!!

 Some of our girls who helped with the performance......

No doubt there will be a big uptake for French in Leaving Cert!!

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Open Night!!

On Wedn Oct 24th Our Ladys hosted our bi-annual Open Night for parents and in-coming students! 

Miss Conway and Saibh Gordon dissecting a sheep!!...Is that a heart I see before me? Gross!

Our Lady’s College hosted a very succesful Open Night on the 24th Oct last. The school was looking resplendent on the night as each subject department put their best foot forward to welcome the parents and students who will be joining us in the coming years.

Ruth McGuinness and Siofra Herrity experimenting with green slime! 
Thank God they don't do Home Ec!!

It was a busy night with visitors from all over our catchment area and beyond enjoying the many displays set up by subject teachers and their students.  The science labs were particularly busy with their various experiments, of which dissecting a sheep’s heart and entrails was the most gruesome!  As usual Home Economics put on a wonderful display with ‘Autumn Harvest’ as the theme.  Visitors were also treated to performances by the TY Music and Drama  as well as projects and debating by students of English, Irish and Modern Languages. The  History Department went to a lot of trouble with their state-of-the-art displays as did Geography and Maths.

Students and parents admiring the displays in the new wing!

Incoming students and their parents were very impressed with the range and scope of subjects on display and were particularly taken by the enthusiasm and competence of the students who offered to help on the night. The occasion proved to be very successful with incoming students getting a flavour of  the educational approach and ethos of  Our Lady’s College.

It was a great success and every subject department worked hard to make a lasting impression! well done to all!!

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

The Grand Opening !!!

Recently Greenhills had the great pleasure of inviting our beloved former leader, Mr. O'Broin, to formally open the six new, state-of-the-art classrooms he fought so hard to bring to fruitition.....a great day was had by all....guests, teachers, friends and students!

some superb artistic talent!!!

Graceful is the word!

Brona Fanning giving her presentation...

Our roving reporter, Aoife Barry sent us the following report:
On Friday 21st September, Our Lady’s College Greenhills celebrated the opening of our six new classrooms. A mass was held in the school attended by pupils, staff, invited guests, previous staff members and other members of our wider school community.  The theme of the mass was ‘New Beginnings’, which was portrayed through the art, music and readings during the mass. The vibrant, uplifting atmosphere at the ceremony displayed the pride and honour we have in our school. In the afternoon, the ribbon to the new building was cut by our past principal Padraig O’Broin, in recognition for all his work and dedication in obtaining the classrooms for the school. The day was a huge celebration of all the talents and capabilities many of our students have and a big thanks is owed to everyone who helped make the day a very special one! 

Two of a of leisure!!

 Mrs Mulligan

 Mr Conway!

The look of pride....a winning team!

The Grand Opening.....

Two dear friends........

The hurley hold!!

 How many generations???

Congratulations to all involved..............

Big thanks to Evelina for her great pics........